4. XYZ Regional Hospital is an integrated healthcare system of Hospitals, neighborhood health centers, and small doctor offices. XYZ Regional Hospital has recently merged with 1x neighborhood health centers and 1Z5 doctor branch offices. The wireless, wired access, and AAA solutions are outdated and need to be replaced.
XYZ Regional Hospital is looking to future-proof and improve efficiency across all sites byenhancingwired and wireless access and migrating to a centralized and unified wired/wireless and policy management that can provide uninterrupted availability of all systems.
- XYZ Regional Hospital Is located In New York City
- Dila Health Center Is located in City A
- Mount Health Center is located In City B
- Rock Health Center is located in City C
- Branch clinics are located at different locations across the United States
- Provide, via management software, one single pane of glass to manage wired and wireless LANs, and VPNs across campus, branch, and remote via web/cloud architecture providing near real-time insight, troubleshooting tools, and service Level performance reporting.
- Seamless integration across wired, wireless. WAN, S0-8ranch. loT
• Provide secure wireless access to all the employees of (he Regional Hospital and partners, as well as provide wireless Internet access to medical citizens when they visit our facilities.
- All-access points must support the following features and specifications: 802.1 lax (WI-FI 6E Certified)
- Security options Including WPZ/WPA3. 80Z.1 X with Radius secure authentication
- Identify and authenticate every wireless and wired device
- End-to-end role-based security
- Seamless mobility across the hospital tor medical teams, patients, and visitors
- Cuts Wi-Fi deployment times from days to hours and enables Zero-Touch deployments across the site
- Establishes a resilient, future-ready network infrastructure with the intelligence, scalability, and intuitive toolsets to meet emerging needs
- Fully redundant branch solution with dynamic path selection to the hospital
XYZ Regional Hospital is looking tor an NAC solution to address its security challenges-Requirements:
- fully redundant NAC solution for management and authentication
- wireless and wired authentication for the main hospital will be handled locally
- wireless and wired authentication for the health centers will be handled locally
- wireless and wired authentication tor the clinics will be authenticated against the main hospital NAC
- staff ustrs/devices should able to visit any site and haw the same experience
- support 35k devices
- XYZ Regional Hospital is located in City 1 - 15k devices
- Dila Health center is located in City 2 - 8k devices
- Mount Health Center is located in City 3 - 5k devices
- Rock Health Center is located in City 4 - 4k devices
-125 branch clinics are located at different locations across the US - 2k devices
Which solution meets the customer's requirements?