SIAMP Dumps Questions Increase Your Chance of Success



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Passing the SIAMP certification exam can be challenging, which is why practicing with SIAMP questions can greatly increase your chances of success. EXIN SIAMP dumps questions help you become familiar with the exam format. The SIAMP questions are designed to mimic the actual exam, which means that you'll get a feel for the types of questions you'll encounter, the difficulty level, and the time limit. All the SIAMP exam dumps questions are the latest version for you to study. Test free SIAMP exam questions below.

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1. What best describes ZYX's strategic drivers for transitioning to a SIAM model?

2. - ZYX has selected OUTSCO to be the service integrator, provide hosting for the mainframes and servers, and the wide area network for ZYX - ZYXS will provide the service desk for the SIAM ecosystem.

- All other service providers with rolling contracts will continue to provide their services

- The CIO has asked for the development of a tooling strategy for the SIAM ecosystem.

- The CEO wants to achieve an optimum balance between cost and data integrity.

What tooling strategy should ZYX use?

3. One year ago. OUTSCO was appointed as the service integrator for ZYX. ZYXH provides the retained capabilities.

After a year of operating the SIAM model, OUTSCO has noticed that the 99 5% availability service level target for NEWBNK has been consistently overachieved by 0.4% every month.

In order to provide better value to ZYX and to challenge the service providers in their delivery, ZYXH would like to increase the availability target to 99 9% as soon as possible.

What is the best way of doing this?

4. ZYX has now appointed SIAMRUS as the service integrator and has started to plan and build the new SIAM ecosystem Initially the new SIAM model will be supported by the existing service providers. In a recent program progress meeting, it was highlighted that the planned Organizational Change Management (OCM) initiative has a high cost

What approach should be taken to ensure that the OCM initiative for the service providers will cost effectively support the transition to SIAM?

5. ZYX has appointed a service integrator in addition to measunng specific service provider service levels, the ZYX Board of Directors also wants information on end-to-end process KPIs based on business outcomes

The KPIs that the ZYX Board would like are

- End-to-end availability of services supporting sales activity

- End-to-end resolution time for support requests received from users

- Timeliness of invoice production, distribution and payment

How should the service integrator implement these KPIs?

6. ZYX have decided to use the external service integrator structure The ZYX CEO wants to minimize risks to service availability. In order to avoid reliance on single service providers the CEO wants to use four different providers for hosting There will be one service provider for hosting for each of the following countries

- the UK

- Germany

- the Netherlands

- Australia

To provide resilience every application used by ZYX will be hosted by three different hosting service providers

The CEO wants to ensure a rapid introduction of new services and service providers She also wants to ensure that the costs for the service integrator are as low as possible The ZYXH legal team does not want to make the drafting of the contracts more difficult than necessary

It is clear that there is a single structure needed for the service integrator contract

Which contract structure is the most appropriate for ZYX?

7. The planning for NEWGEN has started

- ZYXS will be the service integrator

- OUTSCO will provide application support services

- NETSCO will provide network services.

- PAYSCO is asked to continue to provide payroll services

Users are happy with the services of PAYSCO The contract with PAYSCO has 2 years left to run This is 18 months after the expected completion date ot the implementation of the SIAM model Initial discussions by ZYXS with PAYSCO have indicated that PAYSCO does not want to make any contract

changes to support the SIAM model.

Given this constraint what is most likely to be the best method to plan for onboarding PAYSCO?

8. Previously, there was no common set of performance targets and metrics used across all ZYX companies ZYXH Contract Governance is concerned about this. They would like to see metrics that

drive improvement once the transition has been made to a SIAM model.

ZYXS provide a range of services to some ZYX companies The ZYX IT steering group meets every 4 months chaired by the ZYXS IT Director It is attended by representatives from each ZYX company SIAMRUS provided a report for ZYXUK. This included a set of metrics that SIAMRUS have used before with other organizations. ZYXS has been selected to be the internal service integrator in the new SIAM model The ZYXS IT director has provided a set of metrics from an organization that she previously worked for

What is the best way for ZYX to ensure effective metrics are in place to improve services?

9. Project NEWGEN is in the Implementation stage. OUTSCO and ZYXD are service providers. ZYXD is still managed by ZYXS.

Services provided by OUTSCO and ZYXD are not performing as expected due to poor conformance with expected processes and behaviors.

What are the most important activities to resolve performance issues?

10. The CEO of ZYX is proposing a big bang approach for the SIAM implementation.

For what reason does the CEO propose this?



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