Test Online ISO-IEC-27005 Risk Manager Dumps Questions to Be Certified



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To help prepare for the ISO-IEC-27005 Risk Manager exam, you may want to consider using ISO-IEC-27005 Risk Manager exam dumps questions. These questions are designed to test your knowledge and understanding of the topics covered on the exam. The more you practice answering ISO-IEC-27005 Risk Manager dumps questions, the more comfortable you will become with the exam format and the types of questions you can expect to see. ISO-IEC-27005 Risk Manager dumps can help reduce anxiety on exam day and improve your chances of success. Go and test free ISO-IEC-27005 Risk Manager exam dumps questions here.

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1. Scenario 1

The risk assessment process was led by Henry, Bontton’s risk manager. The first step that Henry took was identifying the company’s assets. Afterward, Henry created various potential incident scenarios. One of the main concerns regarding the use of the application was the possibility of being targeted by cyber attackers, as a great number of organizations were experiencing cyberattacks during that time. After analyzing the identified risks, Henry evaluated them and concluded that new controls must be implemented if the company wants to use the application. Among others, he stated that training should be provided to personnel regarding the use of the application and that awareness sessions should be conducted regarding the importance of protecting customers’ personal data. Lastly, Henry communicated the risk assessment results to the top management. They decided that the application will be used only after treating the identified risks.

Based on scenario 1, Bontton used ISO/IEC 27005 to ensure effective implementation of all ISO/IEC 27001 requirements. Is this appropriate?

2. An internal employee clicks on a link embedded in an email that redirects them to an unsecured website, installing a malware on the device.

The likelihood of occurrence for the first risk scenario was determined as “medium.” One of the main reasons that such a risk could occur was the usage of default accounts and password. Attackers could exploit this vulnerability and launch a brute-force attack. Therefore, Productscape decided to start using an automated “build and deploy” process which would test the software on deploy and minimize the likelihood of such an incident from happening. However, the team made it clear that the implementation of this process would not eliminate the risk completely and that there was still a low possibility for this risk to occur. Productscape documented the remaining risk and decided to monitor it for changes.

The likelihood of occurrence for the second risk scenario was determined as “medium.” Productscape decided to contract an IT company that would provide technical assistance and monitor the company’s systems and networks in order to prevent such incidents from happening. The likelihood of occurrence for the third risk scenario was determined as “high.” Thus, Productscape decided to include phishing as a topic on their information security training sessions. In addition, Alex reviewed the controls of Annex A of ISO/IEC 27001 in order to determine the necessary controls for treating this risk. Alex decided to implement control A.8.23 Web filtering which would help the company to reduce the risk of accessing unsecure websites. Although security controls were implemented to treat the risk, the level of the residual risk still did not meet the risk acceptance criteria defined in the beginning of the risk assessment process. Since the cost of implementing additional controls was too high for the company, Productscape decided to accept the residual risk. Therefore, risk owners were assigned the responsibility of managing the residual risk.

Based on the scenario above, answer the following question: Which risk treatment option was used for the first risk scenario?

3. What are opportunities?

4. Which of the following statements best defines information security risk?

5. Scenario 7: Adstry is a business growth agency that specializes in digital marketing strategies. Adstry helps organizations redefine the relationships with their customers through innovative solutions. Adstry is headquartered in San Francisco and recently opened two new offices in New York. The structure of the company is organized into teams which are led by project managers. The project manager has the full power in any decision related to projects. The team members, on the other hand, report the project’s progress to project managers.

Considering that data breaches and ad fraud are common threats in the current business environment, managing risks is essential for Adstry. When planning new projects, each project manager is responsible for ensuring that risks related to a particular project have been identified, assessed, and mitigated. This means that project managers have also the role of the risk manager in Adstry. Taking into account that Adstry heavily relies on technology to complete their projects, their risk assessment certainly involves identification of risks associated with the use of information technology. At the earliest stages of each project, the project manager communicates the risk assessment results to its team members.

Adstry uses a risk management software which helps the project team to detect new potential risks during each phase of the project. This way, team members are informed in a timely manner for the new potential risks and are able to respond to them accordingly. The project managers are responsible for ensuring that the information provided to the team members is communicated using an appropriate language so it can be understood by all of them.

In addition, the project manager may include external interested parties affected by the project in the risk communication. If the project manager decides to include interested parties, the risk communication is thoroughly prepared. The project manager firstly identifies the interested parties that should be informed and takes into account their concerns and possible conflicts that may arise due to risk communication. The risks are communicated to the identified interested parties while taking into consideration the confidentiality of Adstry’s information and determining the level of detail that should be included in the risk communication. The project managers use the same risk management software for risk communication with external interested parties since it provides a consistent view of risks. For each project, the project manager arranges regular meetings with relevant interested parties of the project, they discuss the detected risks, their prioritization, and determine appropriate treatment solutions. The information taken from the risk management software and the results of these meetings are documented and are used for decision-making processes. In addition, the company uses a computerized documented information management system for the acquisition, classification, storage, and archiving of its documents.

Based on scenario 7, project managers communicate risks to external interested parties, taking into account the information confidentiality .

Which principle of efficient communication strategy do project managers follow?

6. 1. Can organizations obtain certification against ISO 31000?

7. Scenario 5: Detika is a private cardiology clinic in Pennsylvania, the US. Detika has one of the most advanced healthcare systems for treating heart diseases. The clinic uses sophisticated apparatus that detects heart diseases in early stages. Since 2010, medical information of Detika’s patients is stored on the organization’s digital systems. Electronic health records (EHR), among others, include patients’ diagnosis, treatment plan, and laboratory results.

Storing and accessing patient and other medical data digitally was a huge and a risky step for Detik a. Considering the sensitivity of information stored in their systems, Detika conducts regular risk assessments to ensure that all information security risks are identified and managed. Last month, Detika conducted a risk assessment which was focused on the EHR system. During risk identification, the IT team found out that some employees were not updating the operating systems regularly. This could cause major problems such as a data breach or loss of software compatibility. In addition, the IT team tested the software and detected a flaw in one of the software modules used. Both issues were reported to the top management and they decided to implement appropriate controls for treating the identified risks. They decided to organize training sessions for all employees in order to make them aware of the importance of the system updates. In addition, the manager of the IT Department was appointed as the person responsible for ensuring that the software is regularly tested.

Another risk identified during the risk assessment was the risk of a potential ransomware attack. This risk was defined as low because all their data was backed up daily. The IT team decided to accept the actual risk of ransomware attacks and concluded that additional measures were not required. This decision was documented in the risk treatment plan and communicated to the risk owner. The risk owner approved the risk treatment plan and documented the risk assessment results.

Following that, Detika initiated the implementation of new controls. In addition, one of the employees of the IT Department was assigned the responsibility for monitoring the implementation process and ensure the effectiveness of the security controls. The IT team, on the other hand, was responsible for allocating the resources needed to effectively implement the new controls.

Based on scenario 5, the IT team was responsible for allocating the necessary resources to ensure that the new controls are implemented effectively. Is this acceptable?

8. What should an organization do after it has established the risk communication plan?

9. Scenario 3: Printary is an American company that offers digital printing services. Creating cost-effective and creative products, the company has been part of the printing industry for more than 30 years. Three years ago, the company started to operate online, providing greater flexibility for its clients. Through the website, clients could find information about all services offered by Printary and order personalized products. However, operating online increased the risk of cyber threats, consequently, impacting the business functions of the company. Thus, along with the decision of creating an online business, the company focused on managing information security risks. Their risk management program was established based on ISO/IEC 27005 guidelines and industry best practices.

Last year, the company considered the integration of an online payment system on its website in order to provide more flexibility and transparency to customers. Printary analyzed various available solutions and selected Pay0, a payment processing solution that allows any company to easily collect payments on their website. Before making the decision, Printary conducted a risk assessment to identify and analyze information security risks associated with the software. The risk assessment process involved three phases: identification, analysis, and evaluation. During risk identification, the company inspected assets, threats, and vulnerabilities. In addition, to identify the information security risks, Printary used a list of the identified events that could negatively affect the achievement of information security objectives. The risk identification phase highlighted two main threats associated with the online payment system: error in use and data corruption After conducting a gap analysis, the company concluded that the existing security controls were sufficient to mitigate the threat of data corruption. However, the user interface of the payment solution was complicated, which could increase the risk associated with user errors, and, as a result, impact data integrity and confidentiality.

Subsequently, the risk identification results were analyzed. The company conducted risk analysis in order to understand the nature of the identified risks. They decided to use a quantitative risk analysis methodology because it would provide more detailed information. The selected risk analysis methodology was consistent with the risk evaluation criteria. Firstly, they used a list of potential incident scenarios to assess their potential impact. In addition, the likelihood of incident scenarios was defined and assessed. Finally, the level of risk was defined as low.

In the end, the level of risk was compared to the risk evaluation and acceptance criteria and was prioritized accordingly.

Based on the scenario above, answer the following question:

What type of risk identification approach did Printary use?

10. Scenario 1

The risk assessment process was led by Henry, Bontton’s risk manager. The first step that Henry took was identifying the company’s assets. Afterward, Henry created various potential incident scenarios. One of the main concerns regarding the use of the application was the possibility of being targeted by cyber attackers, as a great number of organizations were experiencing cyberattacks during that time. After analyzing the identified risks, Henry evaluated them and concluded that new controls must be implemented if the company wants to use the application. Among others, he stated that training should be provided to personnel regarding the use of the application and that awareness sessions should be conducted regarding the importance of protecting customers’ personal data. Lastly, Henry communicated the risk assessment results to the top management. They decided that the application will be used only after treating the identified risks.

According to scenario 1, what type of controls did Henry suggest?



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