AIGP Dumps Questions Increase Your Chance of Success



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Passing the AIGP certification exam can be challenging, which is why practicing with AIGP questions can greatly increase your chances of success. IAPP AIGP dumps questions help you become familiar with the exam format. The AIGP questions are designed to mimic the actual exam, which means that you'll get a feel for the types of questions you'll encounter, the difficulty level, and the time limit. All the AIGP exam dumps questions are the latest version for you to study. Test free AIGP exam questions below.

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1. Each of the following actors are typically engaged in the Al development life cycle EXCEPT?

2. What is the best reason for a company adopt a policy that prohibits the use of generative Al?

3. What is the best method to proactively train an LLM so that there is mathematical proof that no specific piece of training data has more than a negligible effect on the model or its output?

4. What is the term for an algorithm that focuses on making the best choice achieve an immediate objective at a particular step or decision point, based on the available information and without regard for the longer-term best solutions?


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XYZ Corp., a premier payroll services company that employs thousands of people globally, is embarking on a new hiring campaign and wants to implement policies and procedures to identify and retain the best talent. The new talent will help the company's product team expand its payroll offerings to companies in the healthcare and transportation sectors, including in Asia.

It has become time consuming and expensive for HR to review all resumes, and they are concerned that human reviewers might be susceptible to bias.

Address these concerns, the company is considering using a third-party Al tool to screen resumes and assist with hiring. They have been talking to several vendors about possibly obtaining a third-party Al-enabled hiring solution, as long as it would achieve its goals and comply with all applicable laws.

The organization has a large procurement team that is responsible for the contracting of technology solutions. One of the procurement team's goals is to reduce costs, and it often prefers lower-cost solutions. Others within the company are responsible for integrating and deploying technology solutions into the organization's operations in a responsible, cost-effective manner.

The organization is aware of the risks presented by Al hiring tools and wants to mitigate them. It also questions how best to organize and train its existing personnel to use the Al hiring tool responsibly. Their concerns are heightened by the fact that relevant laws vary across jurisdictions and continue to change.

Which of the following measures should XYZ adopt to best mitigate its risk of reputational harm from using the Al tool?


Please use the following answer the next question:

A local police department in the United States procured an Al system to monitor and analyze social media feeds, online marketplaces and other sources of public information to detect evidence of illegal activities (e.g., sale of drugs or stolen goods). The Al system works by surveilling the public sites in order to identify individuals that are likely to have committed a crime. It cross-references the individuals against data maintained by law enforcement and then assigns a percentage score of the likelihood of criminal activity based on certain factors like previous criminal history, location, time, race and gender.

The police department retained a third-party consultant assist in the procurement process, specifically to evaluate two finalists. Each of the vendors provided information about their system's accuracy rates, the diversity of their training data and how their system works. The consultant determined that the first vendor’s system has a higher accuracy rate and based on this information, recommended this vendor to the police department.

The police department chose the first vendor and implemented its Al system. As part of the implementation, the department and consultant created a usage policy for the system, which includes training police officers on how the system works and how to incorporate it into their investigation process.

The police department has now been using the Al system for a year. An internal review has found that every time the system scored a likelihood of criminal activity at or above 90%, the police investigation subsequently confirmed that the individual had, in fact, committed a crime. Based on these results, the police department wants to forego investigations for cases where the Al system gives a score of at least 90% and proceed directly with an arrest.

Which Al risk would NOT have been identified during the procurement process based on the categories of information requested by the third-party consultant?

7. According to the EU Al Act, providers of what kind of machine learning systems will be required to register with an EU oversight agency before placing their systems in the EU market?

8. 1.Machine learning is best described as a type of algorithm by which?

9. An artist has been using an Al tool to create digital art and would like to ensure that it has copyright protection in the United States.

Which of the following is most likely to enable the artist to receive copyright protection?


Please use the following answer the next question:

A local police department in the United States procured an Al system to monitor and analyze social media feeds, online marketplaces and other sources of public information to detect evidence of illegal activities (e.g., sale of drugs or stolen goods). The Al system works by surveilling the public sites in order to identify individuals that are likely to have committed a crime. It cross-references the individuals against data maintained by law enforcement and then assigns a percentage score of the likelihood of criminal activity based on certain factors like previous criminal history, location, time, race and gender.

The police department retained a third-party consultant assist in the procurement process, specifically to evaluate two finalists. Each of the vendors provided information about their system's accuracy rates, the diversity of their training data and how their system works. The consultant determined that the first vendor’s system has a higher accuracy rate and based on this information, recommended this vendor to the police department.

The police department chose the first vendor and implemented its Al system. As part of the implementation, the department and consultant created a usage policy for the system, which includes training police officers on how the system works and how to incorporate it into their investigation process.

The police department has now been using the Al system for a year. An internal review has found that every time the system scored a likelihood of criminal activity at or above 90%, the police investigation subsequently confirmed that the individual had, in fact, committed a crime. Based on these results, the police department wants to forego investigations for cases where the Al system gives a score of at least 90% and proceed directly with an arrest.

When notifying an accused perpetrator, what additional information should a police officer provide about the use of the Al system?



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