ISTQB CTAL-TM Exam Questions Simulate Actual CTAL-TM Exam



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CTAL-TM exam dumps questions are designed to simulate the actual exam. This means that you will get a feel for the types of questions you can expect to see on the exam, as well as the format and difficulty level. In addition, Advanced Level Test Management CTAL-TM dumps are often accompanied by detailed explanations and answers. This means that if you get a question wrong, you can learn from your mistake and understand why the correct answer is the right one. Test free online CTAL-TM exam dumps below.

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You are the Test Manager for a software house called "MakeMyApp" that specialise in mobile phone applications, agile techniques are used for all software development projects.

A new project is underway to develop enhancements to a 'photo sharing' application, known as 'PictureFriend'. There are two types of user account available -Premium Users and Guest Users. Guest users only have limited functionality available.

The enhanced features to PictureFriend are:

• Feature 1: Guest Users can share photos with other Guest Users and Premium Users;

• Feature 2: Premium Users can edit pictures before posting to their account;

• Feature 3: Premium Users can create '3D-effect' photographs

The requirements for each feature will be broken down into a number of User Stories with acceptance criteria created for each of them. User Stories are planned and delivered in 2-week 'Sprints'. The project will have 3 sprints.

Refer to SCENARIO 3

You have been asked to select an appropriate review type and review remit for the project.

Which of the following is the BEST review type and remit for this project? SELECT ONE OPTION

2. You are Test Manager for a project which is in the Test Implementation stage for the first planned iteration, creation of the initial Test Cases and required test data is progressing well.

The Test Strategy documents the Stakeholders view that small teams should collaborate together to create and test functionality which is to be released in iterations, with each release building on the success of the last.

Stakeholders are willing to accept the risks of a partly working system in the early stages. Delivery of working functionality (particularly around interfaces to third party systems and performance of back end databases) is the priority for the early releases.

Which of the following test types would you select for this first planned iteration, in order to meet Stakeholders expectations?

a) Usability testing

b) Structural testing

c) Functional testing of process flows

d) Performance testing

e) Business process testing

f) Component integration testing

You are Test Manager for a project which is in the Test Implementation stage for the first planned iteration, creation of the initial Test Cases and required test data is progressing well.

The Test Strategy documents the Stakeholders view that small teams should collaborate together to create and test functionality which is to be released in iterations, with each release building on the success of the last.

Stakeholders are willing to accept the risks of a partly working system in the early stages. Delivery of working functionality (particularly around interfaces to third party systems and performance of back end databases) is the priority for the early releases.

Which of the following test types would you select for this first planned iteration, in order to meet Stakeholders expectations?

a) Usability testing

b) Structural testing

c) Functional testing of process flows

d) Performance testing

e) Business process testing

f) Component integration testing

3. You are the manager of a test team. You inherited most of these people from a previous manager who promoted technical skills, particularly programming skills. As a result, your people are very strong in test automation skills, white box testing and complex test design techniques. You have just been told that you can hire five new people. You want the new people to complement the existing skill sets and you want to be sure the team will have a strong mutual respect.

Given the following options, who should you hire? [3]

4. You are planning the testing for an emergency product update required to correct a serious security issue and to improve system maintainability of a key product in your company's catalogue. It has been estimated that the historical cost to the company for the security issue in this system has been $375,000.

In the last year a total of 10 reported "live' incidents were reported, resulting in a total external failure cost of S110.000 to correct.

The cost of prevention for this project has been estimated as $78,500 and from the development you have learned that the average cost of detection was $1,250 and the average cost of internal failure was $7,450

Which one of the following statements about cost of quality is TRUE? SELECT ONE OPTION

5. You are Test Manager on a major project that is of strategic importance to your company. Your team has access to a suite of testing tools that provide support across the development life cycle and this suite of tools has been in place for the last two projects. You are concerned that the suite does not have an integrated defect management tool and have negotiated a small budget to find and implement such a tool. Your first choice is an open source tool that has been available for just over a year and appears to be popular with its users, who have found it easy to learn. The main disadvantage of the tool would be that current manual defect management processes would need to be modified to embrace use of the tool.

Which of the following would be the MAIN risk to consider in deciding whether or not to acquire the defect management tool? SELECT ONE OPTION

6. Your company is installing a third-party enterprise-wide business software package. This is the first time the company has done anything like this.

Which technique would be the best one to use to estimate the testing effort? [3]

7. In a standard defect lifecycle. which of the following states would MOST LIKELY require input or action from a member of the Test team? SELECT ONE OPTION

8. You are a Test Manager at a company that develops mobile phone applications.

Based on historical data in your company, you have calculated the following average metrics for system testing:

• for each 100 LOC (Lines Of Code). 4 test cases are executed

• each test case takes on average 15 minutes to execute and check

• for each 1000 LOC, 5 defects are found

You have used this information to create an estimate for the system testing of a new mobile phone application being developed to submit gas and electricity readings.

The application delivered for system testing has 50.000 lines of code. At the end of system testing,

250 defects are discovered.

Assume that:

• the system test of the new mobile phone application will require the same amount of effort as previous applications

• defect density = number of defects/1000 LOC

• no new tools or processes have been introduced to the test team

Based only on the given information, which one of the following statements is true about this new mobile phone application? SELECT ONE OPTION

9. You are Test Manager working on a project which is improving the user interface for its call centre staff handling customer enquiries. The project has completed UAT for the first iteration; however a large number of defects were raised by call centre staff seconded to help with the User Acceptance testing.

The defects described the user interface as not being intuitive enough with a poor 'help' facility. A user representative spent a week working with developers and system testers to explain the issues, which were subsequently agreed to have resulted from poorly specified usability requirements. The requirements were defined separately for each iteration and have been formally reviewed by business analysts, developers and the IT director.

The user representative was also able to answer a number of other questions that the system test team had regarding call centre workflows, which improved their domain knowledge.

You have been asked to conduct a project retrospective and recommend improvements for the next iteration which introduces further user interface changes.

Which of the following would be the MOST effective improvement for the next iteration?

10. Refer to SCENARIO 2

You have been tasked with recruiting testers for Project 3 to help design and run regression tests, you have been provided with a skills matrix for four prospective candidates.

The matrix shows the skill level (High or Low) for each candidate:

Which candidate would be the MOST suitable for a test analyst role on Project 3? SELECT ONE OPTION



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